June 4th – August 31st
Artist Reception: Thursday, June 9th 6-8pm – Brief artist talk at 7pm
Deborah Hecht – “Waste Not Want Not”
Found Object Assemblage featuring “Beach Trash” Series
The Woods Gallery’s summer show, features local Huntington Woods artist Deborah Hecht’s “Beach Trash Series” in addition to figurative sculpture. Deborah began collecting “Beach Trash” along part of the northern Lake Michigan shore, and has turned 3 summers of beach trash into colorful wall mosaics.
In her artist’s statement Deborah writes, “In 2000, I started collecting balloons from a stretch of Lake Michigan beach North of the Sleeping Bear Dunes and I never stopped. I threw away the other flotsam and jetsam. In more recent years the quantity of straws and bottle caps, shotgun wads, etc. grew larger, so I started saving those as well. The amount of garbage became so disturbing that I felt compelled to do something about it — by doing something with it. I have explored a variety of media and incorporated found objects throughout my career as a visual artist. Three summer’s worth of sandy salvage proved more than enough raw material for this project. Beach Trash is a series of mosaics set mostly in vintage window sash frames. My intent was to create artworks that both delight the eye and prick the conscience, drawing attention to the hard reality of pollution in the Great Lakes.”

Come and enjoy this exhibit before your next trip along the water, and see what’s possible.
Artist-Led Exhibit Tour and Talk: June 14th 7-8pm
This is an additional special event! Have an opportunity to walk the exhibit with the artist, and hear Deborah’s lively stories about pieces in this show. The Woods Gallery is located in the lower level of the Huntington Woods Library at 26415 Scotia Rd, south of 11 Mile between Woodward and Coolidge, and is open during library hours. For further information contact the library at 248-543-9720.